Businesses can join the listing for Free.
When any business decides to take any of the exclusive tools, 25% of any fees they pay go back to USU.
Soon we will feature virtual tours, (see GooTOUR™ below) interactive maps, and in addition to THE ONE quick lookup, business supporters also get a free listing in the statewide UtahSAVE™ system.
To be included in THE ONE you only need to offer something special to users. There are no fees, subscriptions or memberships, just V.I.P. Treatment for THE ONE users.
What you offer is up to you and if we approve it, you will be in.
To be included in UtahSAVE™ there are no requirements to do anything special as it's free to THE ONE business users.
Once you understand this technology and what it can do for your business you will more than likely come onboard.
Click on the logo, get the facts.
Folks, it's a Touchless World and you need make sure your customers understand you are here for them.
If you come onboard with any of the products, make sure you let us know you came to us through THE ONE as we give a % back to the University.
It's important to let us know you got involved because of
You will pay the same but this way, USU also makes a little that can go to a worthy cause and help students in need.